Are you a business owner, a start-up entrepreneur, or part of a small to medium-sized enterprise looking to leverage the full potential of LinkedIn for your business growth? Don’t miss this exclusive workshop led by Niraj Kapur, the renowned author, TED speaker, and founder of Everybody Works In Sales Ltd.
Why Attend?
LinkedIn is not just a platform for connecting with professionals; it’s a goldmine for business opportunities when used correctly. Most business owners struggle to harness the true potential of LinkedIn, missing out on branding opportunities and valuable connections. Your network is your net worth, and sales are the lifeblood of your business. LinkedIn is often the safest place to sell, but many people either underutilise it or resort to spamming tactics that yield no results.
In this workshop, you will guided through the essentials of LinkedIn, empowering you to:
- Optimise your LinkedIn Profile: Learn how to create a profile that exudes credibility and attracts potential clients and partners.
- Build Your Personal Brand: Discover the secrets to crafting compelling content that resonates with your target audience and helps establish your brand authority.
- Navigate the LinkedIn Algorithm in 2024: Stay ahead of the game with insights into LinkedIn’s ever-evolving algorithm, ensuring your content reaches the right audience.
- Interactive Q&A: Get your burning questions answered directly by a LinkedIn expert.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is designed for:
- Business Owners
- Start-ups
- SMEs
- HR and Marketing Departments
- Sales Professionals
Join us for an engaging and action-oriented session. This isn’t just another lecture; bring a pen and notepad, as you’ll leave with actionable strategies to transform your LinkedIn presence and boost your business.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the latest LinkedIn Top Voice in Sales, recognised by LinkedIn as one of the top 10 voices globally in 2022.
Niraj Kapur is also a frequent visitor to LinkedIn HQ, ensuring you receive up-to-the-minute insights and strategies.
Secure your spot today and make the most of LinkedIn in 2024!
Your network is your net worth, and it’s time to maximize it.
Date: November 16th, 2023
Registration Time: 9:45 AM
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:30 AM
BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/make-the-most-of-linkedin-in-2024-tickets-736300724287?aff=oddtdtcreator